Unintended Dimension in Insert Template Object

Hello, here is my problem:

I have to create about 1500 plans of a room, which correspond to each configuration of this room. 

To do this, I want to use the Smart Drawing utility. The utility allows you to automatically create planes by inserting dimensions into a view using the model's objects function.

When I launch the utility, it adds in addition to the dimensions I want, an unwanted dimension.

By using the objects function of the model by creating the drawing for one of the configurations of my room myself, the function always adds this dimension to me.

This dimension is called "RD1@Annotations", it is not present in any of my functions (using the object function of the model with the "Selected function" option this dimension never appears, regardless of the function I select). It only appears when I use the "Entire Model" option and the Smart Drawing utility only offers this option.

I tried to find this call number in my room but impossible it is impossible to find.

If anyone has a solution to be able to exclude this dimension from my drawings. 

I'm attaching my file to you if you want to try.

Thank you 



Sorry, I can't open the template because it's a future version, but do you import other annotations with objects from the template? If not, is the box checked?

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The only thing I care about is the dimensions marked for the drawing.

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