Ordinal dimension with diameter indication

Hi all

I design sheet metal parts to be cut and punched beforehand (under SolidWorks 2013 and 2014).
The most practical indication on the drawings for the sanders of my company is the indication by ordinal dimension.

What I'm doing right now is I'm indicating the first and last hole to punch, indicating the total number of holes. Having holes of different diameters and sometimes complex punching schemes, the punchers wanted to have the associated diameter as an indication behind the ordinal dimension.

However, I have to perform the manipulation manually, and when the diameter of the holes changes, the indication behind the ordinal dimension does not follow, which could lead to errors for my successor.

You will find attached some shots supporting my words, if they seem vague to you.

Thank you in advance.
Kind regards.

Hello, I don't think there is any other solution unfortunately.

Why not use the punching tables see link below


It has the merit of being clear and usable for everyone with the same log

And I think it can be good for the puncher as well



I have already tried this solution, and unfortunately it does not meet the expectations of my boss and the punch figures...
Isn't there a way, like an annotation, where you select the characteristics of the associated hole to display it in the text of the dimension?

I wanted to write: one can try one of these annotations:



<DIM> (but the latter corresponds to the length dimension)


They are difficult 

yet with a punching table

you have the ref X,Y from the origin and the diameter  

or the ref axis of a stamped 


As much as under Inventor, I can see very well how to do it. As much under Solidworks ....


But it may be a light argument to your boss to change software:D

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Yes GT22 (I'm also a fan of the drilling table) .. But it will force them to look on the plan. Something they don't do today.

And you know a workshop, when it can avoid new stuff, it avoids ^^


Which of + is it a waste of time and source of error to notify the diameter after the ordinal side

don't understand well



Unfortunately, it doesn't work. You can see it as an attachment, it does not accept duplicates.
Even if you do it in the same way as an annotation (e.g.: "RD8@Vue of drawing4", stays like that and does not indicate: Ø 6).

I even tried <hw-cbdia>, <hw-cdrdia> and others...

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I've never seen that before either. As coin37coin says, they have gotten used to...


You can create an annotation that calls a dimension but then you have to hide the dimension(s) and to position the annotation it may not be easy.


To integrate a dimension into an annotation, start creating the annotation, when entering the text, click on the dimension to retrieve.


I also believe that the piercing table is THE solution, even if it means making people complain for 6 months....


100% agree with @stefbeno

There are dedicated tools that work well so let's use them wisely

and let's leave aside those who don't work or don't work very well

and which of + is with the tables the refs are all from 0 in X or in Y

so for digit machines what to ask for +

do the forcing you have a log and you are asked to work on the board there is nothing that bothers you in there



On the American plan that I worked on (from 1976) all the holes were marked in letters by diameter and number for the number. then put everything back in a table on the edge of the sheet. 

 It's frankly not the best but it gives double measures, and surely it makes the work easier for someone who puts the sides in the machine by  hand....  



Thank you all for your help.

Having only two configurations, I proceeded to lay simple layers. The latter are more than enough to stay within what the punchers want graphically.