Variable dimension in family table


I come to explain my problem to you because I can't find a solution myself.

I'm looking to make a configurable subset that will be controlled from a publisher configuration window. So when I insert this subset, I have a window that allows me to easily configure it. I could see that we had to go to a family table. However, I only know how to put fixed values in my table and I would like to let the user enter the value he needs.

The typical example would be a screw for which I would like to manually write the value of the length in the publicher configuration window. Ex: Screws with a length of 32mm

I don't have a standard value on this odds. This is only value entered by the user.


I hope I have been clear in my explanations. 



When creating the configuration publisher, you have the choice between "list" and "number", you just have to choose number :)

See attached image.

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Thank you for your answer, I managed to do this manipulation for the constraints.

I now wonder if it is possible to do the same thing to order the value of a sketch dimension of a subassembly?


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 For more readability on the forum you can choose my answer as the best and open another question please?