Rib color for symbol for drilling

Small question, all my drawing dimensions are in dark gray in the MEPs, except for a kind of dimension for the  symbols for drilling which are in black and that I can't seem to modify. (I can't find the matching line in tool/option/colors)

Hence my question how to change the color of this symbol annotation for drilling?


I think we can assign it to a layer and change the color from there:



You have to put the piercing symbol text in the same layer as your dimensions.

You have to go to =>tool/option/document property/ table/drilling.


may the force be with you.



Same problem also when inserting the object of the model and dimensioning.

.PL assigning a color to a layer does work, but I find it weird that you can't adjust that color in the general options.

For normal dimensions (not imported with the object of the model or via symbol for drilling) no worries.

EDIT: For OBI WAN, assigning a layer (gray) in the drilling table does not change the color of the coast in the MEP but rather that of the table.


yes sorry 

You have to go to =>tool/option/document property/ dimensioning/ symbol for  drilling.

If you do this and save the document model you will have this permanent color of color.


May the force be with you

In general, the dimensions created in the drawing do not have the same colors

that the dimensions imports from the 3D model

Watch this video


@+ ;-)


In fact, gray and black are useful for differentiating the dimensions of the drawing from the dimensions of the 3D:

If you double click on a black dimension (i.e. inserted with the objects of the model) you directly modify the sketch in the 3D!

Gray dimensions are controlled dimensions of the plan view.

OBI WAN it bothers me to change the options in the document property because some cartoonists prefer the black sides and others in gray because the MEP is in my opinion remains more readable. Also, no color in the path shown on sw2014.

GT22 The 2 video options Imported (piloting) and non-imported (piloted) dimensions are in gray in my system/color options and yet when I import the dimensions via the model object or via the symbol for drilling the dimensions are in black, hence the problem.

. Pl I know the differences. and the advantages of the 2 methods is just that the color of the imported ribs does not follow the color defined in the options (see answer gt22)

I forgot to specify I'm in SW2014 SP4.0

It is absolutely necessary to work with the latest version of SolidWorks available, so the SP5 for the 2014.

A link for the SP5?

Activates the "Line Format" toolbar

There is a square icon underlined by a "rainbow"

By clicking on this icon, you alternate between 2 modes of displaying dimensions (and other entities).

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For the SP5 you have to connect here:



Try to see by clicking on 

Colour display mode