IFC Export Colors from SolidWorks


I model elements that are integrated into the IFC 3D model of a building, to group together the models of the different trades, and anticipate interferences.

I export my SolidWorks assembly to IFC4 and then view it with Trimble Connect. However, the colors I added in SolidWorks don't show up in Trimble Connect—everything turns gray.

I tried to assign colors to bodies, parts, or assembly components, to no avail.
I've tested the few options that SolidWorks offers (OmniClass, UniClass2015, Custom Properties, Material and Mass Properties), but nothing helps.

Has anyone ever encountered this problem and found a solution?

For your information, the versions of s software used:

  • SolidWorks Premium 2023 SP1.0
  • Trimble Connect

Thank you

Some formats are not made to preserve appearances/colors.
Have you tried IFC export and then import into SW? If you also lose colors from SW to SW with this format, it's probably because it's not made to preserve colors.

I just tested the SolidWorks export to IFC, then import this IFC into SolidWorks: indeed the colors don't follow.

On the other hand, the IFC format supports colors, models from other trades that use other 3D software are colorized when they are opened in Trimble Connect.

It is therefore that SolidWorks does not know how to manage the colors of IFCs.

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It is indeed possible, but at least it removes the doubt.