Miter cutting on folded parts


I draw with Solidworks, and I would like to make sheet metal coverings. But I have a problem when I want to assemble the sheets at an angle, since I have a 45° cut I would have liked to know how to do it to be sure that when laying in real life my cuts fit perfectly? On my SW assembly, it's mainly the junction of the fold on the inside that causes me problems. 

Thanks in advance 


Quickly, other sheet metal pros will complete if necessary.

It depends on how you make the cut in real life: before or after folding.
If you want the cut to be done on the sidewall, I think you'll always have a gap between 2. It's easy to simulate with SW: make 2 pieces one with each method, you'll immediately see the problem.
After that, maybe in sheet metal, there are tricks to compensate, depending on the tools available and the operators.



Can you share your assembly with your parts so we can take a look at it to better help you.

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Hello, here is the assembly 


Thank you 


To share an assembly, you have to make a pack'n go. Except in special cases, nothing can be done with sldasm files alone.


 Hello stefbeno, thanks for the info 

But then what do I have to do to make a pack'n go so that I can share my assembly in order to find a solution.

Thanks in advance 

In Windows Explorer, right-click on the asm/solidworks/pack and go file



Attached is the file for help 


Thanks in advance