Cut only certain bodies from a part



I have a part (and not an assembly) composed of 3 distinct bodies of revolution (not fused together).

I would like to make a cut, but with only 2 bodies cut, the 3rd being displayed but not cut (it's an axis).

I can't find a solution

Do you know the option or method that would allow this?


Thanks in advance!

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Help excerpt


Extent of the cut

In a drawing, you can specify which components and ribs should be excluded from the section view or local section view of an assembly through the Section View dialog box. The Slice tab also appears in the Drawing View Properties dialog box for a slice or local slice view.

To access the Cross-section Extent dialog box after the cross-sectional view is created:

  1. Right-click the section view and select Properties.
  2. In the dialog box, select the Cut Extent tab. 

I add...


There is a Hide tab showing bodies


Hello, you just have to click on the "function action area" option when you edit your material removal function.


See attached image.


Then click on "selected bodies" and uncheck automatic selection.

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I just realized that I had misunderstood the question...


So much for me!

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Hi @ g.coussy

A picture is worth a thousand words

so post an image it will be clearer for everyone


it's for a drawing 

or on the part


See these tutorials


otherwise you have the tool in the shape of a semi-circle cut which allows you to make cuts in all directions you want


@+ ;-)

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Thank you for these first answers.

I had indeed tried the extended function but I can't select the part body. While I was getting there with the hide/show tab. I specify that it is not an assembly in the .sldasm sense but a .sldprt part

I watched all 3 videos and didn't see what I was looking for. Maybe it doesn't happen. I know it's possible with CatiaV5


Here's a view. I would like the tube to stay cut but not the mouthpiece.




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So the jpg is a single piece made in 3 bodies

you want to cut the tubes via the axle but not the part located on the right

if you 3 bodies of revolution it is enough 

For the bodies you want to cut, do half 180° revolution

That's it


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In the function, by unchecking "all bodies" and selecting only your mouthpiece, it doesn't work? weird!

What is the function you use?


If it's a material removal like a square or a circle,  is it a sketch on a middle plane with a middle plane and a shift from the sketch can do it?

Hi @ g. coussy


I just made your part under SW2012


The 3 Bodies in Revolution


2 bodies 180° revolution

1 body 360° revolution


View attached file and screenshot


@+ ;-)

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I say maybe a stupidity but with the "volume body filter" tool

or other filters...




For me it is impossible to do this on several bodies in a room.


This is possible on a component by setting the "IsFastener" property to "1", I tried on the properties of bodies but this is not taken into account.


So there is only one solution, in the plan to go through the hatching in any way by recreating by hand hatched areas on the desired pieces.








After some research, I didn't find the option you are looking for either, on a drawing of a multi-body part, you can't select the sizes to cut (and therefore those you don't want to cut).


The best solution I can see is to remove the hatching and redo it manually on the parts you want to cut and then redraw by hand, the missing lines on the cylindrical part you don't want to cut.


Have a nice day

With the local cut if it's for a drawing it should work since it's defined via a spline

All you have to do is place the spline in coincidence of the part which must remain solid


@+ ;-)



Given the blockage, I would go for a solution a bit like @gt22, but slightly differently:

_Laissez your piece drawn as you did

_Ajoutez a "Sectional" configuration

_Faites a material removal to make your cut in 3D and thus be able to select the bodies to be cut.

Plan _Mise of this part (With a projected view using the "Sectional" part configuration)

_Insertion hatching by hand. (Insert/Annotations/Fill Hatched Area)


We agree, it's a bit of a hack, but your plan will be coherent!

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I don't understand anything?

Simply select the hatched area, change the hatching style, and specify that the change applies to the body...


See attached image




sorry for not taking the time to answer you as we go.

In any case, thank you very much for looking into the problem!


Unfortunately the various tips proposed are not quite suitable, because I need to keep the part as built and I have to avoid "hacks" even on the plans (risk of errors during modifications etc.).


I ended up having a HotLine that confirms that it's not possible....



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I dig up the question.

Has anyone found the solution in the meantime ?