Network Outage ''Document Registration Failed''


We are forced to store the data on the pourer, but we have micro network outages, at least I think. And so we have the message '' Document saved failed '' , so we have to ''save as'' and then rename. It's not a good job, the possibility of error is huge.

That's why I ask you the question: how do you manage to prevent these network losses?

Thanks in advance


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Hello, when this error occurs, the best thing to do is to try to save under the same name locally, on the desktop or in my documents. No other solution!



I agree with PL. It's the best thing to do, save locally and then copy with the server...

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I have the same problem, but I don't rename, I overwrite the file. This is a problem that we are trying to solve with our computer specialist. But for the moment no improvement despite changing cables, redoing PC, buying a NAS to no longer be directly on the company's general server. But hey, we don't despair..... :-)



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Oh well, I'm not alone.

Like colleagues, we search, we modify the network but nothing conclusive about the possible causes.

I encountered the problem both on our micro-network (5-6 machines on 1 NAS via a cascade of hubs) and on large networks managed by specialized people.

Oh well, no, you're not alone!!

It's quite tense I must say

Personally I register under a new name and I fire the old one

it's a lot of work in + and therefore possible dumplings!