Courbe deplacement CATIA -Excel


I extracted a file ( Text format) of moving nodes  from  CATIA V5

I imported it on Excel (attached my Excel file )

I want to draw the displacement curves, is it possible and how?

Thank you

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You can save them in 3 columns (X, Y and Z) and then save the sheet in "text (ascii) with tabs" format. You then get a Txt file and in CATIA, you go to the DSE workshop and you use the "import" function (icon with small dots and an arrow inwards). Your points are imported into a geometric set (these are then points but not yet a point cloud, this will be done using the command "transform points into clouds" 

@+ ;-)



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For 3D curves on Excel, see this link:

There is a table that can be downloaded to make these curves.

If not, what is the curve you want to make?

Y Z and C1,

Y, Z, and C2 

Y, Z and C3?

What does column A correspond to?

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At first glance, it seems possible. Can you give us a view of the model with the XYZ and C1,C2,C3 markings and specify which part you are interested in. There are a lot of points in the file, maybe not all of them are useful?


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By selecting the BCD columns (Y, Z, and C1) and deleting the data where C1 is set to 0 (because we can only use a maximum of 4000 rows), we can get this graph:

I chose from the Insert menu > Other Graphics > Surface.

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see this link for your request in PM

workshop....... DSE...... Digitized Shape Editor


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.PL:  Column A  is  x(mm)

chamade:   here is attached the view of the model

gt22:  I searched in the workshop I can't find the icon transform points into clouds" I  read your tutorial Supper

I have some modification on my structure the results have  been modified

Thank you for your help




I added an example in your file of C2 values on the top beam.

Basically, you have to sort the data from the XYZ coordinates to isolate the element you are interested in (make sure that the values are converted into a number). From there, you copy this data to a new sheet and sort it according to the value that should be used as the absisse (Z in the example). You can then insert a curve of the direction you are interested in (C2 in the example) according to the chosen axis. As you are only on plane problems, no need for the 3 directions a priori.

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