Creating a Gutter in Solidworks


I will soon follow a Solidworks training, being a beginner on the program.

My question is:  what is the best strategy for creating a gutter with a given slope?

Thank you for your answers and points of view.




Do you want to create flow gutters?

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Images would speak +

via a swipe it should be possible


Personally I do them in sheet metal, it allows you to do a lot of things, with visible or not slope, hanging systems, etc...
They are often intended for metal frames, pergolas etc...
In any case, during your training, you will quickly see what will allow you to build what you want

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It depends if you do the manufacturing from A to Z or if you buy from suppliers and assemble with a few adaptations.



Attached is the section of the gutter. Depending on the desired slope, heights 1, 2 and 3 will change. Is it possible to use this section in Solidworks to generate a gutter with a given slope that will automatically change heights 1, 2 and 3.

Thank you for your advice



