Admin account creation under Mycad services


Regarding the online tools included in the Mycad Premium suite, I would like to be able to manage the activities of my colleagues registered under our company.

Is it possible for you to upgrade an existing account to "Super Administrator", to allow (or not) access to the tools:

Libraries (allow or not download)

Mycadtools (allow or not download)

Mycadplace (allow or not access and type of use -total/read-only...)

Smartdesign (allow or not download)

Mycad Learning (whether or not to allow access... in addition to the administration already present)

Myproduct (whether or not to allow rights of use)

My3dPlayer (whether or not to allow usage rights)

... as well as all the tools I may have omitted...

It would also be interesting to have a tracking sheet of the activities of the people affiliated with our company on Mycadservices.

Could you add a "request for improvement(s)" function on these tools as it exists on the Mycadtools offline?


I don't know who to contact to make these requests so I post from the forum at any chance. A word to the wise.

Kind regards


There is no real administrator role in myCADservices Premium

All your employees can access the enrollment, the resource center, the libraries, the download of setups (myCADtools, SmartDesign, etc.), the myCADlearning training, etc.

There are 2 exceptions:

  1. myCADplace or there is a role of "Supervisor": This is the only one who can create new projects and designate one or more administrators for each project. He can also delegate other "Supervisors". The administrator of a project will be able to invite the project members and assign them their respective roles (Viewer, Collaborator, Administrator)
  2. myCADlearning or there is an "Administrator" role that allows you to follow the training of your employees (Who, Which training, Completion rate). He can delegate other administrators

I invite you to contact Visiativ support if you would like more information or if you need help in using myCADservices Premium

Yours sincerely


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