Creating Next Point on the Curve


I need to put points according to their abscissa curvilinear on a spline, unfortunately I can't find any function that allows me to do so.

Is it possible in Solidworks (autocad knows how to do it very well)   and if so, with what options/function please?




A similar question was asked this year and it seems to me that our favorite @gt22 who gave the answer.

Basically, you make parallel planes and at the junction with the curve you put a point. This point can be dimensioned in XY on the sketch of each plane. This solution has the advantage of also working with a 3D spline.

From memory, there is no native function to do this in SW, unlike autocad according to your words!

Kind regards

EDIT I found the solutions already proposed by @acombier @gt22 and @Olivier42

Hello ,

There is no basic function in SolidWorks to place a sketch point on a spline by the data of its x-axis.
However, there is a possibility by using the function of inserting a reference point.

Once the spline is created and its sketch closed:
- menu Insert> Reference geometry > Point...
- Select the spline;
- select the button of the last option in the list (Distance along the curve...).

The associated function offers 3 options, including the "Distance" which is none other than the abscissa of the point (see image attached).

The method also works for other types of curves, including 3D splines.

Kind regards...



If you have myCADtools, there is also the CreatePoints tool that allows you to generate points automatically on a set of curves or surfaces


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