Creation/modification of sldmat material list on excel


I'm looking to modify a list of materials (sldmat format) by using excel.

I manage to open the file by changing the extension to the XML format but I can't go back to a sldmat format.

How do I create or edit a material list?

Kind regards


Following this link, he advises not to touch the original file but just to open it in read-only mode.

And here via notepad++ (free software) it seems that this is feasible (untested) and without changing the file extension. On the other hand, I strongly advise you to make a backup of the file beforehand.

Otherwise via VBA it must be feasible Exel/Solidworks link to be made, here it controls the material change via Excel/Solidworks API:

Or else since solidworks, certainly longer but much safer!



This is done very well via any basic text editor.

On the other hand, you have to pay close attention to the syntax and the beginning and end tags of the material.
Start well with

and end up

The easiest way is to copy/paste a complete material between its two tags and then modify what needs to be modified (the name of the material of course to avoid duplication, and the properties)