I'm looking to create new drop-down menus with sub-menus?
So in "customize the interface" I created the menus: GrilleAxelent/ BIM/bim.dwg
(-> see attached file)
Ok so in:customize the interface/Menus/ I managed to create: Axelent Grid then in BIM submenu
When I select BIM to give it the path to my folder where "bim.dwg" is located.
Well, in the command area, I can't write anything. It is selected in blue and that's it???
Is it possible to do this kind of thing in draftsight (I have the VR5 - 32bits release for windowsXP] and how to proceed?
thank you bcp
October 22, 2014, 9:56am
You have created a new "submenu" when you need to create a "new entry"!
Edit: added attached image
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Oh yes thank you so I manage to create this new entry.
and by double clicking on this one it is indeed displayed in the order area.
In the command box I can choose a command, but which one can directly point to a .dwg file so that it fits into my plan?
Thank you in advance
October 22, 2014, 1:48pm
The goal is to insert a dwg directly into a DWG, right?
October 22, 2014, 2:03pm
To include one DWG in another, it is necessary to go through block insertion.
The command to use is "insert block".
On the other hand, it opens a window where you have to choose the location of the drawing, I don't think it's possible to insert a given DWG directly, especially by a menu.
You can try pasting the following command directly into the DraftSight command bar:
_insertblock ABC
And that opens up the browse menu right away.
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Yes, it works, but it is more like simply using the Insert/Block drop-down menu
So it may not be possible to point directly to a file without going through insert/block/browse/...
In fact I would like to quickly insert elements from a folder without wasting time "browsing" a whole bunch of folders and subfolders to get there;)
A kind of "blibliotheque" drop-down menu with direct insertion in my map.
In any case, I thank you for your help.
October 22, 2014, 2:52pm
No, there is no library, that's one of the limitations of DraftSight in the free version! There is no equivalent of the AutoCAD Design Center.
The easiest way is to create a DWG that you always keep open with all your blocks stored in different sheets (one for tapping, etc...)! Very useful if used on a dual screen.
But now the paid version includes a Design Library and a Toolbox:
Ok if I create a DWG (which will serve as an "element library") and indeed if I keep it open on my second screen it's a good idea.
but when you say to randger the blocks in different sheets you weren't talking about different layouts??
Because the wallpaper area in the layout is greyed out with a window to create its "mosaic" or "mosaics"
You can't create a "template" sheet a bit like in an excel spreadsheet.
G found an interesting alternative:
Option/File Locations/Library File Locations/...
And there I point to a folder in which I have put all my library elements.
So I use the drop-down menu
Insertion/block I point directly into my bibilo