Create generic part with parameters + autofill cartridge/CATIA V5


I would like to create a part in which I would have created parameters (ref, designation, material, etc...).

I want that when I create a new part, the parameters are already automatically created and I just have to fill them in.

This is so that these parameters are then automatically completed by a cartouche when the part is drawn.


How do you achieve this? I know how to do this on solidworks,  but can't find the equivalent on CATIA? If I create a part with parameters on catia, or do I inform catia that it's in such and such a folder that it should go to find?


Thank you in advance for your feedback.


Kind regards



Too many requests in the same question is surely clear to you but to answer you??

If you're waiting for an automatic solution, you'll have to go through a macro (it's not my field)

In the meantime it will surely be useful to you:

Let's start at the beginning, creating custom properties (these properties are associated with the file and are selectable for the BOM).


Once this is done, you can already use this file as a starting model for any new design.

If you run the Macro recorder you will be able to create the macro (it will work without PB to create the properties in another CATPart.

But for a Macro plus (PRO) it will have to be modified (especially to avoid creating properties several times in the same CATPart.


Thank you for your answer and sorry for the time it took me to realize that I had been answered but I thought I would receive an email notification as soon as I had an answer and I didn't think to look on the forum.

In short, I didn't know the macro recorder and it allowed me to understand a lot of things so thank you.

On the other hand, the problem is that it does not record all the actions of this recorder... The creation of parameters is ok, but when it comes to linking the drawing texts to these parameters it doesn't save. Well to get around the problem I did something a little disgusting that works but it's not clean and really not practical. It's temporary, I'm going to dig deeper to improve it.

Basically, I create a part with all the desired parameters and I create a drawing with the desired texts that I link to the parameters of the part thanks to the "link attribute" action. These two documents I save in a reference directory.

Then I just create a MACRO that opens this part and this drawing for me. So in fact every time I go to create a new part I will have the associated drawing so as not to lose the links.

Small notes:

1) You must at least create a view in the drawing so that the links follow.

2) for the texts to be updated in the drawing, it is absolutely necessary that the 3D is also updated. If we just change the value of the parameter in the part, the drawing will not update. But if I also do an action in the 3D (hide an object for example) it updates the text of the drawing too. It's quite painful.

Hello I confirm all your remarks, the recorder is not everything, and nothing in 2D, the 2D-3D link is well associated with the creation of a view (from + from the 2D you find the link / 3D but not the other way around).

Yes you have to modify the 3D to update the related attributes, and yes the updates  related to a hide / show we would do without it.

By chance, do you know how to retrieve the value of a "chain" parameter in a string in VBSCRIPT?

I tried

drawingDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument

Set parameters1 = drawingDocument1.Parameters

Set strParam1 = parameters1.Item("reference")

strParam1.Value = "tata"

Dim test 

Set test = strParam1.Value


But the last command gives me an error


Edit: it's okay, you just have to remove the "Set"...