Create a SW Toolbar Button for a PDM Job

Hello everyone.

I would like to know if it is possible to create a toolbar or macro button to start a PDM task.
This PDM task is currently only accessible via the explorer by right click etc ...

Thanks in advance

Hello Mr. Legras,
I don't have a PDM, but look at this link maybe it can help.ésentation-de-mypdmtools-2017-0
Here is a PDF attached:=>
mypdmtools_-catalogue_des_outils-_fr.pdf|attachment (1.6 MB)
and maybe this too: =>How do I add the SOLIDWORKS PDM toolbar buttons to Windows Explorer?

and again maybe this => Button Properties - 2021 - SOLIDWORKS PDM Help

and that => How do you create and add SOLIDWORKS macro buttons to your toolbars?
Good luck.

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