Create a surface group



A small question of a practical nature.


Is it possible under SW 2014 to create a surface group (like the sets under Abaqus) in order to be able to select them all at once when applying effort.

Here I have to apply pressure on an interior volume so having to select all the faces by hiding parts and then making them reappear is a bit of a hassle;)


Thank you




I'm not sure I understood all the nuances of your question, but could a 0mm surface offset be suitable?

Let me explain: from your part, go to Insert/Surface/offset. From there, you select the faces you want to group and choose a value of 0mm. By validating, you get a surface body that groups all your faces.

Could this be suitable?

See example

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In 2015, it is one of the novelties, to be able to create a selection group.

Otherwise  , try using the selection window by activating the Face filter.



Thank you for the answers.

Basically, I'm looking to create a "virtual" surface that groups several faces of several parts to be able to select them all with a single click.


Unfortunately I can't use surface offset because I'm in an assembly and not in a part.


And for the face filter it doesn't work either because it's to apply pressure to it so during the selection it's already only faces that are taken into account.

So, why not create a new piece in this assembly that you make virtual?

Insertion/Component/New Part. You edit this part in context (allowing external references) and you shift the faces of the components you are interested in by 0mm.

What do you think?

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Not a stupid idea;)


I tried but I can't select this "offset surface" when choosing faces for the application of faces =/


I don't have a solution, but in order to move the Schmilblik forward, it's not a group of surfaces but a group of faces.

Surfaces and faces are 2 distinct types of entities in SW.

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Are you in the publishing sector in this context?

Is it the selection of faces that doesn't work, or is it the "offset faces" function that is grayed out?

If it's just the faces you can't select, check that the "No external reference" option/button is NOT enabled (see image). If the button is pressed, you cannot select external references.

If it still doesn't work, make us a full SW screen print, we may see the problem (you can hide your parts in the graphics window if there is a privacy problem)


No, it's okay, thanks to your help, I managed to create my piece, which is the set of faces I wanted to group.

The problem now is that I can't select this part in simulation to apply my efforts to.

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If you assign a specific color to your group, it is possible to reselect it using the display manager.



Great thank you DTS it works;)