I'm looking to make an angled plane, basically a surface that comes out of the "front", "right", "left" planes etc... To put it simply, I have a hollowed out block with some shape on one side, and I want to stop that hollowing out on an angled plane. I am putting the document for more clarity. Thanks in advance!
I join mandrake and gt22, create your inclined plane in 1st place and only then do you remove the material to the surface or plane according to your version of SW. It couldn't be simpler.
Small remark, no need to make a right triangle, just a line rated at 45° and x mm of the lower part (or top depending on your needs) ditto for the 2nd except no need for height side as you did when you clung to the 1st sketch.
The distance of your 2 vertices has no influence on the position of the plane (the 3rd being in common).