Create a puzzle

Hello, is there a SolidWorks feature that allows you to automatically cut a piece into multiple puzzle pieces?
CAD field
Solidworks 2014 Software


Apart from splitting, I don't see too much of another solution...

To do this, you must first create surfaces or planes to determine where to cut.

The parts cut in this way can, just in case, be directly created in new parts that remain "linked" to the parent part.


A ready-made function, no...


On the other hand, it is possible to download a puzzle dxf and stick it on your piece to create the cutouts.




It is possible to import a DWG in bulk into SolidWorks for later use.

On these sites, some DWG puzzles:



Once you have done your parts and your image insert with the separation line tool it should work

The Partingtool_Split_Line_Curves.gif Line tool projects an entity (sketch, density, surface, face, plane, or polygon spline) onto curved or planar surfaces or faces. It divides the selected face into several separate faces. You can split curves across multiple bodies with a single command.

You can create the following dividing lines:

ProjectionProjects a sketch onto a surface. You can repeat the divider line features created using the projected curves.

You can create dividing lines using sketch text. This function is useful for certain elements (decals, in particular). 

@+ ;-))


Otherwise, there's the plug-in that cuts your parts into multiple parts by creating assemblies.


But it's no longer 2d.



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Insert a puzzle dxf, then perform a material removal with a thin function of 0.01mm for example.



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