Create a dimension following a curve

Hi all

I'm trying to create a dimension that can follow a curve.

As you can see from the attached file, it's easy to create " standard " dimensions here in black.

However, I can't create a dimension that can follow a curve (dimension I drew in red).

Thank you to anyone who would have directed me.

This kind of dimension only works on a curve, not on a spline.

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Uses trajectory dimensioning. Be careful with segmentation: it is not possible to dimension a trajectory with an end point and a point on the curve.

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Thank you for your answers.

This example that I have represented does not correspond to my 3D which is confidential...
However, I have to manage to score points every meter (I have 50 meters to go).

the measurements I have to make are from a 3D step file that I got and the line where I have to make my measurements is "broken" every 1 meter (it's 1 meter long sheets that make my curve...).
In order to be more precise, I'm segmenting this curve every meter... It's long but it works.

totally agree with you
Transform the spline into a trajectory and then make a trajectory dimension
But the problem is that when you change the trajectory length dimension, it puts the swarm in the shape of the spline.

I propose another solution to validate
We make a sketch from the curve that has been recovered.
We make a 1 mm extrusion
We create another sketch or we just make a hole at the beginning of the curve, we remove the material.
We make a composite curve, which is what allows us to have a continuous curve without a segment.
We do a repetition in which we give the dimension to be repeated
Note that the holes are not placed on the curve for the demo but if we place it on the line we get the desired spacing

It looks like this

Kind regards

PS: we don't get paid a lot but we have a lot of fun :rofl:


I agree with my friend Zozo, for the use of repetition by curve.
I'm attaching my mini example in SW2019, my choice was a triangle instead of a circle.
IF it ever helps.


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