Create a "swept base" part from a path contained in an assembly


I want to create a "swept base" part to add to my parametric assembly. So far, so good.

However, I would like this profile to be made from the contour element of certain parts of this parametric assembly. And then, I stall. Does anyone know how to create such a piece please?

Thank you in advance


You must create the part in the assembly and take the surfaces of the other parts as a plane and convert the edges into a sketch of the parts whose outlines you want to use.


Thank you ac cobra. However, the surface of the parts in question is not flat, but curved. As a result, I'm not sure it works. For the moment, I haven't succeeded.


Have you tried with a 3D sketch? Could you post your files in a Zip and which version are you in?

Hello ac Cobra,

Thanks for the 3D sketch track. I finally managed to edit it in the room.


The easiest way is to make a copy of your assembly

that you save in part for + simplicity

you create a plane perpendicular to your part outline

On this plan a rectangular sketch that overflows from your 1/2 or +/- room

an elevation of overflowing material on  all 3 sides

then you still have to create a sketch on the remaining part and via convert the entities you recover the perimeter of your assembly

that's it closed 

@+ ;-)


This solution would be at the limit acceptable for a simple and fixed assembly, but not in parametric.


It's to be put in place at each change of part in your assembly

and I think that this is possible in car since 

it's the same thing (ref base)
