Creo - Position Matrix Assembly

I work with Creo and WIndchill. I have made an assembly of a robotic arm under stress but I would like to modify it to retrieve only the positions of each part in relation to the general coordinate system in view of its integration on WIndchill.
Is this possible and if so, how can it be done?
Thank you in advance for your help

Kind regards


Look at this link you have a lot of information tutorials files

Getting started with Pro/ENGINEER

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Getting Started Tutorial with Retail and Education Files 

Mechanical simulation

Tutorial on dynamic and mechanical simulation withfiles in commercial and educational version

Automatic Drawing

Create and use templates for automatic component drawing

Library Management

Managing Libraries with Windows and the cree_mnu.bat Utility 

Assembly handling

Dynamic orientation of components being assembled

User interface

Customizing the Pro/ENGINEER User Interface

Cylinder-rectangle hopper

Creation of a cylinder-rectangle hopper made of sheet metal with non-parallel sections

Flexible components

Creating and Using Flexible Components in Assemblies


Creation of a gear with exact modeling of the tooth profile


Creation of a variable-pitch spring with control of the number of turns and the last joined turns

@+ ;-)) 

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and the rest in theory with that you should find your happiness

@+ ;-))


Instance Colors

Applying different colors to instances in a part family

Screwed Connections

Using EFX 5 for Automatic Creation of Screw Connections in Assemblies

Spiral staircase

Creating a Spiral Staircase with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0

Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Piping

Tutorial to get started on pipe routing with Pro/ENGINEER Piping WF2 to WF4 (the interface has evolved a lot in WF5)

Introduction to Top-Down Design

Top-Down Design Introductory Tutorial with Pro/ENGINEER WF4

Getting started with Distributed Pro/BATCH

Using Distributed Pro/BATCH for batch processing of prints, imports, and exports with Pro/ENGINEER WF5

Cutting Tool (File)

Solid cutting tool made taking into account the characteristics and the rearing of the wheel

Mannequins (files)

Old library of parameterized dummies for Pro/ENGINEER

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Basically, you want to be able to reposition the parts one by one without thinking too much about the constraints and putting them by default?

Activate your part in the assembly and create a coordinate system that will be on the assembly marker.

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Thank you for your answers.
I'll look at the tutorials but for the moment I haven't found anything conclusive.
@Tomalam:  I would like to avoid modifying each piece since I have 76 of them. I saw that we could export the transformaer measurement in analysis=>transform but I wonder if we can do it automatically between the coordinate system of each part and that of the assembly?
If it's not planned basic maybe by doing a macro?
Thank you in advance.