Creation date



In SolidWorks 2012 SP5, I created my cartridges with automatic date.

I have an automatic creation date related to Windows file creation.


In the case of a new part, it works very well.

But if I make a copy of the part to make it evolve or whatever, in the MEP, I have the date of creation of my basic file.

When I go to see in Windows, the creation date is ok but in SolidWorks, tjs on the base part.


Has anyone ever had this or a solution?


Thanks in advance!




PS: I'm ultra-lazy and I'd rather spend 1 week finding an automatic solution than generating a personal property that I modify with each new room :-)

For me, if you evolve a part, it's not the same part anymore

so it has to change its name (no matter the changes, even the slight)

so 2 names 2 folders

If a file is no longer considered valid, we stock elsewhere with an index

@+ ;-)




Apart from modifying the part property "as on the attached file), I don't see how to change the creation date automatically.


On the other hand, it may be possible to create a custom property that would mark a specific event (in this case, save it as".

All that remains is to replace the property in the plan and that's it.


To create this personal property, try to find a trick according to your modus operandi (e.g. for such and such an action, the property records the date. However, I only use this action when I do a save as).


Do you use the Smartproperties utility?


If so, in your settings, the first function you put is "Delete property" and you choose to delete your "CREATION DATE" property (you obviously hide this function in your Smartproperties settings). Then you recreate the "CREATION DATE" property by choosing the "Date" function and you check "Today's date" if you want it automatic.


@flegendre : The problem is that, then, each time this plan is opened, the creation date will change to the current date...

Hence the importance of creating a personal property according to a personal action (according to my point of view of course ^^ )




In SmartProperties, as @flegendre says you can retrieve the date but there are several possibilities.


 - Retrieve today's date or specify date with SmartProperties Date type

 - Retrieve the SolidWorks creation date with the SolidWorks Variable type (date defined in the SW file properties summary)

 - Retrieve Windows Creation Date with SolidWorks Variable Type (Windows File Creation Date)




To bounce back on the remarks @Jose-accessa and @prossignol: 


In your Smarpropertie:

  1.  "Delete property" "CREATION DATE" (you obviously hide this function in your Smartproperties settings).
  2. "SolidWorks Variable"  and "Windows File Creation Date" for the "CREATION DATE" property 


The play changes its name but not its backrest.

I can't change the folder because the database and the partnumbers organize the folders.



You just said what I didn't want to do, I'm ultra-lazy ;-)

Second problem, I am the main cartoonist and I know my standards.

People who draw occasionally are not as conscientious and will not change this date unless I go behind each shot with harassment...



What is SmartProperties for you?

The custom property editor or the window with the properties of each room or other?

I think I'll use it without knowing its number given the manipulations requested :-)

I see what you mean but I didn't set my automatic date as you describe but it's close to what I do.

I'll try as you explain to see the difference.

The problem is that I use the field you give.

For now, I create a note in my title block and with the property link, I link the note with "Template in the view specifies in Sheet Properties" on the creation date.

If I understand what you are proposing correctly, it is similar, but I am doing it in another place. (see printscreen)




I think I tried what you meant and the problem remains the same.

The date of the base file visible.

The worst thing is that with your technique, I end up with Long Date with time...


What disturbs me is that there is tjs as an annotation in the variable "SW".

Wouldn't there be an internal variable in the SW part on the creation date that is independent of the Windows variable?


Can you make me some printscreens so that I'm sure we're talking and doing the same thing?

Smartproperties is a utility:


It's the equivalent of the SolidWorks custom property editor but more complete.

Ok so SmartProperties is a utility to do what I do automatically and maybe manage it better.

Pq not... to see...



Have you ever tried to create a copy of a document with an automatic creation date?


I'm skeptical because this kind of software is made for "people who don't like to tinker" and basically, is just an interface with links and macros.

If there is a macro that will look for the date in Windows and the copy in the properties, why not...

But since the option is provided in SW, I doubt that it works by Macro.

He must probably go looking for the same option as me.


It's a shame to pay 100€ to create a link...


A demo could convince me^^

I really don't believe in it for my application that it will get better without knowing its procedure for these fields.

Hello s4kuj0,

Videos of presentations and use of SmartProperties are available on the myCADservices website. They are free to access (you just have to register once, it's like Lynkoa).

Once downloaded, simply go to "My Training" to see these videos. They may be old, but the essential is said.

Happy watching!

Kind regards


The SolidWorks and Windows creation date are different.


When I look in the SolidWorks properties, I find my base file creation date.

When I look in the Windows one, I have the file one.


Even when I save in copy, it keeps this date.

Bug, deliberate or link problem?


I keep looking for a variable that could be fine.

Otherwise, the solution seems SmartProperties.


I don't know if it's intentional, an error or a bug but it's really ***


When you prepare properties with SmartProperties, at the date level, do you have the choice between Windows or SolidWorks created-date?

In the attached file you will find the setting of the Smartproperties to try to solve your problem.


In the same test file (*.prt) I created 2 properties:


  • DATE_CREATION_SW: SolidWorks Variable Type in Smartproperties Settings
  • DATE_CREATION_SYSTEME: System variable type in Smartproperties settings


In the 3rd screenshot, the result in the file properties (*.prt).


Tomorrow I'll take the part and make a "save as" file and show you the result in the properties.


I did the test from the "test part " recorded yesterday (13/02/2014).


See the result attached.

If you choose a system variable property from the Smartproperties, it works wonders!!!


It is therefore necessary to set up the Smartproperties as follows:


  1. DATE_CREATION_SYSTEME: Remove Ownership
  2. DATE_CREATION_SYSTEME: System Variable Type


Well I've finished my research and I only see 2 solutions to solve my problem:

- Buy SmartProperties or equivalent utility

- Make a VB macro yourself


In both cases, it takes place in macro, it all depends on the money, time and knowledge of each person to choose.

I couldn't find an internal variable that does that.


A big thank you to all for the support!



Even if there are 2 solutions, yours is much more suitable for the majority of users.

The second one I found is geek/computer scientist/resourceful.

I choose your answer as the solution to the problem ;-)


in fact I am looking for a creation date but short because by typing $prpsheet:"SW-Creation date" I get: tuesday 3 April 2018 15:12:45 while I would like to get 03/04/2018