Hidden decals


I try in vain to create custom decals but I can't see  them in the tab on the right "appearances/decals"

I tested by saving them in jpeg, png, jpg ... Nothing I don't understand. Is there a max weight? (my photos are less than 2MB).

Did I forget something?




Even in 89 KB jpeg it doesn't work ...

Hi @Fab Camp  ;-)

Didn't the online help help you


Kind regards

Hello ZOzo, thank you for your answer, no precisely, it's the first thing I went to see...

If I understand correctly I should have in the manager (so on the left) a possibility to browse the decals ... or to register new ones. Except I have this (as an attachment), nothing more...   I can pretend I'm going to apply a texture, but I'll only be able to save it in .p2m, whereas the decals, if I'm not mistaken, save in .p2d.


I already used the decals a long time ago in solidworks 2010 I think and I never encountered any difficulty... Is it due to a bug? I'm on SoilDwoks 2020 SP1 ...


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Ouhaaaa ... "It's like porsalu, it's written on it, except that this is not ... I just found thank you Solidworks and its logic especially when it completely drifts from you .... for those who do have it, I just right-clicked on the yellow area... and I have that, then everything flows from the source... Thank you to the engineers of dassault  once again... ^^ as I say, some people are just doing studies of inHenieur.... ^^

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