Decimal on Weight in Kg


Is it possible to have decimals on the units of weight if I choose the unit in Kg rather than g.

Thank you in advance.


For all metrics, you can set the number of decimal places in the settings.

Tools ==>options==> document option==> units and at the bottom you can also define how to round, truncate, etc...

Settings either in the document if only some parts are in grams or in the general settings if all your parts are in grams or kilos. (example micro-mechanics or watchmaking or boilermaking, they are not the same unit weights).

If you're in the situation where you still have these small units then you'd better change the SLD dot like this to any new part you'll have those units by default.

Thank you but in tool option I have access to decimals for other types of units but not for weight. See screenshot below.

Hello, Just change the value of the box: 

Decimal Column
Line "Property, mass/section", "Length"
=> This box which currently has the value: "None"

Damned! I hadn't paid attention to this subtlety :-)

Yes to the @M.delacote solution

The other  solution you switch to MKS and with the option round up it should do the trick. :-)

Kind regards