Volume Slicing



I have a small problem and I need help with SolidWorks 2013 :s


I have a coin, representing a volume of liquid in a tank.

I would like to be able to know the volume of liquid remaining by removing the liquid via an extrusion material removal.


So far, no problem, I can do it by hand.

Where it gets complicated is that I have to divide my volume into 250 levels and I have to do it over several dozen volumes.


Would anyone know a method that would allow me to have this automatically? (maybe an excel table in which I enter the height of the material removal which would automatically take out the corresponding volume)


Thank you in advance for your help.





The easiest way to do this is to pass for a macro 


See example joint, open the part and launch the macro




Hi @ tristan.benoit


I think you've seen this tutorial



Apart from inserting different planes for the height I don't see much else

which will give you a volume

so step by step


but optimize a line via a defined volume

I think you'll have to go via excel in math formula or a powerful log +


depending on the shape of your room to have the right heights


Good luck

@+ ;-)

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And why not use a "design study" (right click on the Motion Study tab) which allows you to optimize some elements compared to others.

For example, optimizing the interior volume of a bottle by playing with its diameter, height and many other criteria.


See online help: http://help.solidworks.com/2014/french/SolidWorks/sldworks/c_Design_Studies_in_SolidWorks.htm?id=eb0b662371b44a80b6ae2bab2b75fec7#Pg0




Hi, your part has a regular shape ( Cylinder or cone ... ) ?


@jfaradon : I can't run the attached macro. Any idea?


@gt22: Precisely, I would like not to have to read down all the values one by one, the excel file could be a solution.


@Coyote: The problem is that I have a defined volume shape (@David, no it's not regular) and I have to know the volume, not vary the shape according to a volume (if I understood your idea)


Thank you for your answers, I'm still looking.





Precisely the purpose of the design study is to make scenarios and compare them, so you must be able to measure the remaining volume as an objective and as a parameter to evolve your cutting height on which you give a step.

Your scenarios will be calculated and you will have all your values for each height 






You were absolutely right, it's exactly what I needed, I just have to post-process and it's perfect, thank you very much.