Volume Slicing

Hi all


Yesterday I asked a question about the division of a volume according to height.


Coyote gave me the answer that suited me, but today I have a new problem.


For the principle I explain my first problem again:


I have a volume of liquid (in a tank) and yesterday I was trying to find out the remaining volume by removing material (the tank empties), this automatically (250 cuts to be made on several tanks).


Today my problem has changed. Instead of having a height increment for emptying the tank, I have a volume increment and I try to know the height of liquid I have left in the tank.


I tried using a design study (which solved my problem yesterday) but I can't seem to put the volume as a variable.


Does anyone have an idea?



well I'm back with my macro...

If you open the attachment and run the macro, what happens?

you need excel + Sw on the workstation 

Normally we get an Excel table with the volume as a function of the increment of a dimension

Simply replace the attachment with your part and specify the call number name for the new document.




Hello jfaradon,


When I try to open the macro, it tells me: "The SWMacro Exo3.swp file has an inadequate format and cannot be converted to a VBA macro file.


I don't really understand :s


You have to go through the tools/macros/edit menu and then select the swp file


then we execute