I'm now working on the back...... After manipulations in Meshmixer to limit the size of the scan cut in half and keep only the part that interests me I also have under MeshMixer simplify the surface clouds then export to STL and import into solidworks by checking the surface box.
I find myself with an "imported" surface in my feature work
I can even hang on to it.... The cutting function works perfectly and allows me to redraw my sketches to be able to redo my surfaces...
however the file is very large and it is extremely long with each modification it takes almost 3 minutes to refile everything....
So I tried to cut my imported surface and there it doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He goes through it as if she wasn't there as if it were a simple STL......
I reconfirm that the cross-sectional views work... while on a simple STL they don't work...
yes the cutting I want to do is complicated....... In fact I wanted to make a kind of weft that cuts out the entire surface and so I keep the general shape but it is pierced.....
What do you think is the best way to recreate the final surfaces with my object?
Which version of SW do you have, because in premium there is Scanto3D to recreate surfaces directly on STLs, I will use this for you if you have it in your add-ons.
Then when you open your STL select from the list of file types sacnto3d for STL and there you will have in the feature manager the functions right-click on your surface.
Then there are tutorials that explain the method if it's the first time you use it.
I'm sorry, but the slightest thing I do it takes 1 hour and SW crashes, starting from 0 would take way too long. There may be a simpler way (see Coyote's solution).