I want to put an appearance color on a surface of a part present in an assembly. However, I have several occurrences of this same piece in my assembly. When I change the appearance, it changes on all occurrences in my assembly.
Is it possible to apply an appearance to a surface of a component without it applying it to all occurrences of that part? If so, how can I do it?
Solution 1: Apply your appearance at the assembly level comprising the part and not at the part level. Solution 2: Create a config of the part with the appearance in the config and modify the config of the part in the assembly.
Solution 1 will apply the appearance to the whole room, not just to one surface in my room, right?
Solution 2 may be time-consuming in my case, because it would have to be done on a lot of parts. And it's not always the same surface that I need to color.
Exact after verification at the level of the face is repeated on all occurrences and at the level of the piece it is the complete piece that changes color. Only solution 2 remains, if I'm not mistaken. Even if it's far from being the easiest solution...
A quick solution is to add an appearance by clicking in the transparency column at the room level, choose its color and then uncheck the transparency, the color remains, it also works with component repetitions the disadvantage is that you can't choose one face but the whole part...