Defining the shell of a thin aluminium profile


Would you know how to define such a profile into a shell in SW Simulation? Because the mesh is not possible if I don't go through a case.

Thanking you in advance,

Kind regards

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I don't see why that shouldn't be possible.

In mesh you have to put fine mesh but above all ==> check Mesh parameter ==> standard mesh

then ==> On the side of the large mesh, a dimension higher than the thickness of your profile (the largest possible for example between 5 and 10mm (or more to be tested)

then ==> imperatively put for the smallest side of the mesh half or a third of your thickness.

This allows to have several "first-order triangles" in the thickness (the minimum being a triangle). You can also check "automatic transition" which improves the mesh in sharp corners or in very small radii.   After that we can refine it further but I think it won't be necessary.

Finally ==> check that you are in volume and not in shell which is rather reserved for sheet metal.

In fact, it is rather the general shape of the part that defines the type of element to be used for the mesh. For example, for a casting or an extruded profile with spokes, they will be meshed with volume elements, whereas a metal sheet will be meshed with shell elements.

Kind regards