Hi all
In the context of a project I would like to make a PRT elastic or find a solution to simulate it, let me explain:
Let's take an assembly of a standard workshop hydraulic press, I make the ASM flexible and I can move it however I want.
I would like to show the bending of my part in real time when I move my press.
I am interested in your ideas. Thank you in advance
Deforming a part live in a flexible assembly is not possible.
The only possibility is to draw the part with one or more configurations with the different states and switch from one to the other. depending on the position in your assembly.
On the other hand, if you want to make a video, it may be possible to make your piece evolve according to the descent of your press, for this see the experts in the field.
To follow up on the idea of @Sbadenis, it is "enough" for the part to be linked by its sketches (edition in the context of asm) to the press tool but it may be cotton for it to work according to the complexity of the part and the deformation.
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Steffeno's solution also works but it will not be in real time in any case, it will always need a reconstruction for the part to update.
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Hello guillaume.vincent
There are two distinct problems
-The first one gradually deforms the part obviously this is very different if you say bending or stamping.
Bending is possible with SolidWorks but stamping is impossible with SW or with very large approximations and provided you have an ace of the surface within reach of a mouse.
I will only talk about the video part.
For video, it all depends on the quality you are looking for and especially if you render or not.
There is a solution that I often use with solidworks, and that is the solution of an animated GIF.
To do this, you use a screen printing software like Screenpresso or better because Greenshot is free.
- You distort your part and take an image at each position of the part. Obviously, for it to be realistic and not jerky, you have to do a lot of screen printing. With Sreenpresso it's practical because it can take the same area with a shortcut key which avoids having a framing shift.
After you use an animated GIF generator. Personally, I use CAMTASIA which I use for many other things.
Here is attached a very simple example made with only three images (with more images it gives good results).
Kind regards