DEisolating (= actually redefining) a coordinate system after isolating it


In one part, I isolated a landmark.

On the other hand, how can I de-isolateit afterwards? Obviously, there is no option a bit like hide/show to deisolate a marker.

Thank you in advance for your insights.

What does it mean to isolate a landmark

it is no longer bound by constraints x y z or planes ?

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Right-click on the coordinate system / object / definition

Be careful to redefine it, depending on the orientation of the isolated coordinate system, you must have created the elements before to redefine it, or have them on the geometry. Otherwise you risk losing the orientation he had being isolated (see that he ranks on the origin of the CATPpart


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Yes, that's it, more related to nothing, you can manipulate it directly with the compass.

So everything that has been referenced, built on this reference point (if no external reference of course) will follow.


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Thank you Franck for your remarks.

1) OK. Isolating the coordinate system removes its position/orientation position in relation to a coordinate system that was defined when the coordinate system was created.

2) "Depending on the orientation of the isolated coordinate system, you must have created the elements before to redefine it, or have them on the geometry. Otherwise you risk losing the orientation he had being isolated (see that he ranks on the origin of the CATPpart" quote FC

In other words, if I understand correctly, if after isolating a marker, I move it to any position/orientation with the compass. It is then difficult to redefine (=DEisolate) at the location where this isolated coordinate system has been positioned.

Is it impossible to redefine a coordinate system (which has previously been isolated and moved in any position/orientation) if we cannot add additional geometric elements? 

Here is the initial context of my question:

I wanted to redefine (de-isolate) the 3D coordinate system that was moved in position/orientation relative to the absolute coordinate system by isolating it without adding additional geometric elements.



As you can see in the screenshot, I don't have access to the definition of the coordinate system in 3D space.


The boxes are grayed out and Each value is locked.

So I can't redefine as it was the benchmark. As soon as you select a new type the values are changed

Hence the interest of optimized copies The method move by the compass is for emergencies to go quickly.

When you know that you won't have to move the copied shape (not too often).

Onthe other hand, you can very well constrain the "Isolated"  icon it works, it' s less practical than the one in the CATProduct environment all the same.


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