Request SW2015 Help

Hello, let me introduce myself, Jean-Pierre..... beginner in SW2015

I started 3D printing a support for GSM.... but I get stuck to draw the lower part, the support and the 3 or 4 feet (to see when drawing)

It involves making a hollow tube to lower the lower part of the already printed part...... And make the feet.... angle and length to be seen at the time of drawing.

I don't know how to do it?

Thank you for your help.


you should know the Ø of your nipple and also know how you want your feet? Adjustable and how?


The already printed nipple is 18mm.....

So the support will have to be 18.1 inside and outside, it's up to you, either round or square if 4 legs, or even round with the 4 legs....

The legs will be fixed and not adjustable.

Making the nipple support is easy..... Is it more about making the feet and attaching them to the support that I don't know?


Here is the foot in an editable version with the annotations

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Thank you manu, I'll dissect the sketch, break down the steps and try to understand.....

I'm looking at it more closely:) thank youiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

No problem and if you only want 3 feet double click or edit Circular Repeat1 and there type 3 where there are 4...

Thank you, I looked, it's perfect, I changed the sides to adapt to my project.

Just a side that I can't seem to modify.... The height between the top and bottom of the room?


You have to double click on plan1 and there 75 appears. :-)

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Thank you very much...... I'm not used to playing with multiple shots yet. I'll have to find a tutorial to learn.....


I'm printing the piece tomorrow and I'll come and put the photo :)


It works thank you, it's always nice to see how it goes. Thank you and have a good evening


When do you have the time, you will be able to quickly put me in a few lines, the steps of the construction logic?



Here it is, the foot has been printed..... Thank you;)

