Moving components and limited sub-assembly


I'm working on an assembly of 578 components and I can't move some components correctly (only by putting them under stress)

I tried to:

  • Switch the assembly to "light" (threshold remained at 500)
  • See if my constraints  (366 in light and 399 in resolved) didn't disrupt certain movements
  • Temporarily remove or hide multiple components 

There is very little chance that it is the pc that lacks resources, it is only 2 months old and it is an HP Z440 from Axemble.

I would also be surprised if I reached the limits of SLW.

Do you have a solution?


Thank you in advance:)


What are the symptoms exactly?

An error message?

A component that doesn't move at all? Or not as desired?

I don't get an error message.

For example, if I insert a component into my assembly I can move it very well, however if I add a parallelism constraint, the component hangs when dragging with the mouse as well as using all the functions of "Move Component".

Nothing appears on the component that could say that it is fixed.


Is it only on this blend? By making a copy under another name is it the same problem? Is it possible to stay with another position?

Otherwise try with my tutorial to reset the SolidWorks settings.

I guess so, but you tried to rebuild the assembly? (using the traffic light or with ctrl+Q) 


Does the assembly appear to be over-constrained with this new constraint?

I guess in "display" you have to hide all the types?

It's the only "big" assembly I have at my disposal.

The problem also reappears on other posts.

Regarding the reset of the settings I don't think it's necessary since Solidworks was reinstalled 16/09/2015.

The assembly is well rebuilt and is not over-constrained.

The hide all types option is checked.


I think the problem comes mainly from my assembly and that some elements "get in the way". My assembly has undergone a lot of modifications because it is under development, I regularly remove and add components and therefore constraints... I think the problem lies more here


Thank you for your quick answers!

Ha yes indeed, you may have missing faces for your constraints. You'll be good at taking them one by one and checking that there is everything :s


Could you post a screenshot of your assembly tree (without showing your 3D if you have privacy concerns)?

I think that it is the advanced constraints (distances and angles), which are numerous, that are in conflict during the movements of certain components...

I'm sorry I can't send you a screen print

Would you have flexible sub-assemblies ? If so, temporarily put them back on rigid and try to move the free components.

I tried several times before posting my problem, and it was without result

I still think that it may come from the configuration of the position.

Try my tutorial:


It's still not that

But I'm pretty sure that this problem comes from the assembly itself

Thank you again to all for your answers!