Function Move

I would like to modify an assembly. My assembly (66439) consists of an assembly (66438) and assembly features. I want to move the functions of my assembly (66439) to the top level (6438) in order to reduce the number of planes. I hope I have been clear in my explanation even if it is not obvious.
Do you have an idea to make this happen? 

Thanks in advance

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You cannot drag functions from one assembly into another assembly.

I think you can redraw them in your other assembly.

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To be tested by breaking down the 66438 into the 66439 and making a save under this new set in 66438. It should work I think

Hello S.delvalle

I didn't understand or there is an error in the numbers.

  1.  66439 included 66438 and other functions apparently performed directly in the 66439 meta assembly
  2. You say "" wishes to pass the functions of my assembly (66439) in the upper level (6438) "" which suggests that Meta 66439 would be included in a higher level assembly which would be supra 6438.

Can you clarify point 2 please.  Thank you

Kind regards

In my opinion, by decomposing, it will remove the care function it belongs to the subassembly, which will then disappear. 

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Indeed, if I break down my assembly, the function is deleted.

To be clearer, with an image it may be simpler

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@ S.delvalle

Do I understand correctly?

There are many functions that have been made in assembly 66439 or are the following material removals, revolution and function part of 66438.

If there are functions that have been created directly in the ASM, it will not make the solution easier.

Yes that's exactly it, the functions are in the assembly

Is it possible to have the parts and assembly files 

thank you this will allow you to better understand the complexity of the problem

for the moment there is a 66438 assembly which has its own functions, which is inserted into

another assembly the 66439 which also has its functions and others which depend on the inserted assembly the 66438

It's biting your tail a bit all that, isn't it?


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Good evening S.Delvalle

The fact of putting as I understood functions created directly in the assembly will seriously complicate the problem or even make it unsolvable.

Given the reactions of my colleagues, I have the impression that we have a little trouble knowing who will be in what.

A small freehand drawing scribbled (and photographed or scanned in image form) and with the before and after state would be enlightening (at least for me)  :-)

Kind regards

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