I would like to move a part into the EPDM vault by right-clicking then solidworks and finally move put the file to another folder.
I have done this but two things worry me
I don't move the file but it duplicates...
When I do this manipulation, there is an "update where used" table but there is no assembly that uses it....
except I'm sure I put it in an assembly because I wanted to do this test...
Do you know how displacement works?
Thank you in advance
In fact, the "used in" information does not tell in which directory of the vault the part is located, but in which SolidWorks assembly it is used. So it's only by inserting this part into a SolidWorks assembly in SolidWorks that we'll see it appear in the "used in" tab.
Normally, a long click and then a drag and drop is enough (like to move a file in Windows).
I placed this part in an assembly before making the move...
moreover I have twice the same number ds the strong cpffre, except normally EPDM must manage the parts so as not to have twice the same number...
The assembly (and part) must be checked in before moving the part
I archived the part and assembly and even did the validation process.
I still don't have a vision on the use of the part in the assembly I just did.
I use right-click, solidworks, move...
Yours truly,
In the ePDM vault and only in the ePDM vault,
0. Clear your local cache
1. Archive drw, prt, asm
2. Clear the local cache on all machines that use the files in question
3. Right-click cut
4. Right-click paste into the final directory
5. Extract the asm
6. rebuild the ASM (crtl+Q) then save (crtl+S) then archive
The right-click tool, solidworks, move... is suitable when you don't have an ePDM but this is not your case.
And how does SolidWorks find its way back?
He will search through all the files?
If there are files with the same names, it may take a bad file?
With 2016 there is "copy the tree. much easier but not to be used in any way...