Forced displacement, distorted result

Hello, I have a problem with deformations.

I'm in a compression study, I want to know what force exerted to move the top cylinder (the second one is the same) by 1mm. I put an imposed displacement of 1mm but the distorted result tells me that, I don't understand, it shouldn't be deformed like this. With just 1mm, the cylinder should hardly move.

The 2 cylinders are separated by 20mm.


If it's the visual that worries you, the warp scale is set to about 14x.

Double click on the text at the top to change it.


Indeed, thank you, I didn't know about that. I must say that I have no training on Simulation

Hello Snouzy

Please avoid multiplying posts for the same subject.

Especially since we have answered your question on the subject. By the way, apparently without result if I look at the attached image.

Kind regards