Radial displacement



I'm looking for a "dead" volume (file part with bodies and no functions) to move the cylindrical faces in a radial direction and direction. 

On the cylindrical faces there are bossoges that must follow the displacement without moving dimensions only of position.

I made a small sketch attached.

With the "move face" function I managed to move axially but not radially. 

Do you have a trick without going through the recognition of function.






Why not "shift the faces" and "thicken"?

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In your case I would split the parts you want to move, I would then use move, copy the bodies and I would fill the hole left by the old location 


See SW 2016 attachment


I recommend the "move face" function with the "shift" mode of movement.

Insert/Face/Move... or in molding tool



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MaD, Thank you for your example but I'm looking to increase the diameter of a body. On your example, how is it possible to increase the diameter while moving the boss accordingly.

Pierre S, as said in my message, I don't know how to move/increase a cylindrical face on the radial with the move face function. Basically, I'm trying to increase the diameter of a room. Can you approach me? Thank you


Despite your request

you have to go through a recognition of function 

it will be , it seems to me, easier 



Here are some solutions with offset surfaces...

Edit: The Stone S method works if there are no radius associated with the surfaces to be moved. I had already posted a similar question before, the best answer was to use FeatureWorks.


Played with the scale tool or playing with only two coordinates

As a.leblanc says, you can try with FeatureWorks to recognize the rays and volumes you need to move.

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See this tutorial



The template is too complex for the feature works feature. 

I think I have no choice but to spend a lot of time on it and use several different functions to achieve this. :(((

Working with surfaces is never easy but by combining the @Leblanc and @Mad methods, in your case, it should be quite simple:
- shift the cylindrical faces (to increase the radius) and then delete the old faces  (with the "delete face" function);
- Move the surface bodies to follow the bosses.


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There is no simple solution in one function as I hoped...

I used a lot of functions and I find that it looks very DIY and not very professional :((.


In any case, thank you for giving me some leads 

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By working on a dead volume, we necessarily go beyond the pure field of action of SW (or any 3D software of the same kind), so we "tinker".