Unfolded surface to make a pattern

Hi all 

Here we are currently working on a carrying harness, 

We would need to develop a complex surface to make the fabric piece.

We are working on solidworks 2015, we have access to the flat surface function, however we do not yet perceive all the subtleties of this function, 

Do any of you have a solution to get the unfolded? 

Thank you all, 

Olive tree 

Designer at Architeuthis



It seems to me that if there is no opening on the whole piece, it is impossible to get a unfolded one! An opening of one thousandth is sufficient on one side.

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Here's the other side of the room, 

it is a half hull at the moment,


Watch this video


@+ ;-)

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Indeed I join .PL

It is not a fold-out surface. at least the half dome...


That said, when I see the gt22 link, this function seems to work miracles!

but suddenly it requires to be able to define the elasticity and/or deformation of the material, right?

Thank you 


but it still doesn't work...  

I tried without making half a piece, 

trying to make a 1mm opening on one side to facilitate unfolding, 

So much for the moment where we are, 

I don't understand why he can't unfold the surfaces that seem to be the simplest. 

The first surface, which is just half a cylinder, and it is from the end which is a cone,  it blocks.

I'll keep you posted, 



@bart can confirm but it seems to me that the half sphere must be open to be able to unfold it.


Example: they confirm that it is impossible:




Is it possible to have the file to test?

In 2016 many options are available in this function for your information.



Here is in blue where it blocks



Here is the EN part for Solidworks 2015



Can't send the SW file?

In MP if you want?



I tried to reproduce your shape and it works.



Good morning, sir

I use SpaceClaim, and to unfold such a piece you have to detach the elements and make an opening at each one.

This may be possible with SolidWorks 2015.



Do you want several unfolds or just one?


Re re re re,

Your surface doesn't look clean, you can't thicken it, so even less unfold it.

I dig into the question...




Re re,

I managed to do this by increasing the mesh of your bending and that of flattening.



Re re,

I managed to do this by increasing the mesh of your bending and that of flattening.



If it's a surface, wouldn't it have been easier with this method?



@.PL that's what we're talking about...

in fact I created the volume with the flexion function, 

As the surface was not perfectly "clean" I used the volume to recreate plans and sketches to recreate the curved piece directly on the surface, and this time the unfolded one worked. 


Thank you all for your help,