Unfolded from a sheet metal filter on SWKS



I have to make a sheet metal filter, obviously it's to know its development and I don't know how to do it...

I didn't do the "sheet metal" training on SWKS  :'(

I have attached the image of the filter in question.


If anyone can help me... Thank you very much.





1) You have to add the sheet metal function

2) Then convert to sheet metal.

3) Finally, to unfold, the sheet must be open.


Edit: convert to sheet metal:




See this tutorial 


@+ ;-)



In the Solidworks Help you can find everything you need to learn the basics:



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There is also a tutorial for sheet metal work on OpenClassrom (formerly the Site du Zéro):



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According to the plan you enclose

The piece must be made in 3 parts (cylindrical, conical and flat bottom)

the part must be "Foldable" without deformation



Is that what you want? ^^

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By seeing the answers and leads given to you, you will be an expert in sheet metal work on SW! :-)

Everything has been said!

Kind regards


@jpai, next time attach the native SolidWorks file (if there is no notion of confidentiality of course !!) and you will see as if by "magic" the part will come back to you in the unfolded state in less than 2 !!!!!
Lynkoa = ten times faster than Chronopost!!!!


Thank you for your many answers :)


@ Lucas, I have the sheet metal function, I just need to learn how to use it:P


@ jfaradon, indeed the filter is in 3 parts. The bottom will be welded after the cone shaped sheet has been wound and the cylindrical part will no longer exist, it will be replaced by a flange which will be welded to the cone afterwards.


@ Bart, yes that's what I want. But for my detail plan, I need both versions... rolled up (welded) and unfolded  :)


I look at the different tutorials :)

To have both in a drawing, you just have to insert the unfolded state in addition to the "normal" views:




A state that one obtains after converting to sheet metal!


Edit: This is probably the unfolded state that Bart displayed after creating the folded ("rolled") file at the beginning!

I drew the part with the swept sheet metal function, which is nikel.


On the other hand, this function does not exist on solidworks 2012, you will have to convert it from parasolid format, to sw2012 format, then to sheet metal. Which I have no doubt, should not cause you problems =)


Good luck!


PS: For everyone's information, the sweep sheet function does not manage the "unfold" and the removal of material.


The problem was raised at Dassault.



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And wouldn't it be enough to calculate it by hand?

Too often we rely on the functions of CAD even for simple things. We spend more time finding how to do a manipulation on the CAD rather than doing the math the old way.


Kind regards