I see your difficulty how with SW you go about twisting.
I know of a flex function that allows this: except that the same part in real life will not be popular.
The only way I found was to twist it with a smoothing and then measure the lines that served as a fairly easy guide line. Then I create the flat piece for cutting. The one that is twisted can be two pieces or the same one with a config is used for the MEP.
@GT22 had solved this problem on a twist a little more complex than this one, in the sense that the finish was not on the same plane.
In any case, from experience I know that depending on the way of working in the workshop (hot or cold) with or without tools: it is difficult to obtain repeatability with a tolerance of less than 2 or 3 mm. If you want a precise center distance dimension, you have to make a twisting tool, even a simple one. Then you adjust your cut-out length as indicated above.
Tell us more about what the workshop does and especially how you do your twist with SW.
Indeed I tinker with 2 files (one twisted with approximate transitions, the other flat with an approximate length)
I'm not at the tenth on this piece, and as usual the workshop will do its best by doing its best!
I take it more as an exercise in style! and I have the impression that Solidworks does not allow you to make this ultra simple part in a clean way. That's too bad!
Given what you say and the flexibility of the precious demerdologists in the workshop , it's the bending function that will do you the best job and especially very quickly.