Unfolded from a 3mm aluminum sheet

Bjr in green is the folded sheet metal, how to do with SW 2013 the unfolded?




the green piece, I don't think it's feasible in one piece... It must be several pieces put together; Can you put it in the post so we can take a look???

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BJR yes agree with you, in one piece not possible, I'm remodeling another version, as for putting on the post I don't know how to do!!!



Hi @ stone 32

gives the interexternal diameters

and the height z of the inter exter folds

and bending angle

sheet thickness


Well when you add your images in the answers, instead of selecting an image; you choose your Solidworks part.

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ATTACHED is a 2013 SW file

The element is sheet and repeated 11 times/axis   (360/12=30)

For the sides use the sketches of the sheet metal, DSL I don't have too much TPS for the moment

Thank you


Of course, the complete piece will have to be made in several pieces: it is not foldable otherwise.

Maybe you have to draw 2 or 3 shapes at once in volume and then switch to sheet metal behind. If SW can unfold it will make you the part otherwise it will block. You increase the number of repetitions until it gets stuck (the material flow  will be close to a circle at this time).
In practice it's not sure that you should try to make the most bends in a single sheet metal (not necessarily easy to bend the part if there are too many sequences I think)