Unfolded Solidworks Sheet Metal

Can you explain to me the unfolded in SolidWorks.

Basically, it uses the K factor = 0.5, which means that it does not deform the neutral fiber.

What do I need to take for the unfolded to be good? There are several possible parameters (see settings)

Do these settings change depending on the folder? 




I would tend to say YES

Here is the method of calculating the K-factor


It is mentioned that it depends on the folding Vé

Hello, there is some interesting information here:


yes like the @ Tomalan

it is according to the sheet of the direction of the wire of this said sheet 

of the V or matrix and of the counterV or poicon

Only the folder on his machine will give you the right losses in the folds for his machine and type of sheet metal is their job

See this tutorial among others


@+ ;-)


at home, we use a factor K=0.273239545 with radius=thickness, this one gives us inner plies equal to the press, (for the 90° folds; for the others, it varies the ribs a little).

We specify on the plans that are subcontracted that we consider in the developed a zero bending radius and a neutral fiber inside the fold and with the precision we need (±0.2), we have very few problems.


K Factor 0.33


I do, bend radius/thickness


If the result is approximately equal to 1 I put 0.33 in K factor

If about 2 I put 0.4

And about equal to 3 I put  0.5

It all depends on your tooling, as it defines the bending radius.


And this tooling is defined according to the thickness of your sheet metal.

Example: 15/10th V of 16 bending radius 2.6mm K factor 0.33


Another example: 40/10th V of 32 bending radius of 5mm K factor 0.33


On the other hand, for the crushed folds, as I often do this with the apron folder, I put 0.5 in K facer


After several months of bending test, this is the most accurate way on our side.

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What folding machines do you have?

Brand, power etc.


Didn't have a folding abac with it?



See attached a table for a press brake.





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