Hello everyone, I hope you are well! As recently announced we will be organizing a creation/design challenge very soon. We have ideas for challenges and gifts but, in the end, who better to come up with ideas than the designers themselves? So I give you carte blanche to inspire me with your ideas for creations and desired gifts:)
Thank you in advance for your participation! Have a nice day!
For the challenges; We made proposals according to the needs of your partners (goodies, mold for candies etc.) who offered various rewards (workstation, printer etc) depending on the degree of complexity.
One of the strong characteristics of the forum is, on the one hand, to have to solve problems that are not always simple and, on the other hand, to be able to admire the often astounding proposals of intelligence, simplicity and practicality on the part of our colleagues.
I have been interested in compliant systems for some time now, especially in this field: flexible guides (Flexure and Auxetic structure) and the low fatigue level for "dynamic Auxetic Lattices". Put more simply, it is for example possible to move a space telescope mirror in 5 DDLs without the slightest bore or axis, which is better given the very harsh conditions in vacuum and space cold, etc...
I propose the following challenge which could illustrate the different possibilities offered by these techniques and perhaps open up reflections and possibilities for innovation.
In a volume of up to 80 x 80 x 60 mm (at rest), open a flower or any geometric shape or make an animal move, by simply pressing at one point in the volume and over a maximum stroke of 26 mm. The object in the open or closed position must show on one or more visible sides, when the object is placed on a desk, at least once the logo or brand of one of the sponsors of the challenge.
This object must be made with a plastic or metal 3D printer and must have only three components in total. A 40% bonus on the value of the total score will be awarded to the model that has only one piece (printed all assembled) while meeting all the mechanical criteria previously indicated.
For desired gifts:
One year of access to the Visiativ hotline, Two days of one-on-one training with a Visiativ trainer or in a three-person session, An A3 printer (HP for example). A photo-color printer A right to draw 3D printed parts
Gifts to avoid : a bronze statue of the winner given the number of statues toppled these days.
There was a time (in 2008-2010) that there was a forum held by an employee of your current competitor until he was let go. (those who use penguins must be of that era:p )
On this forum every month we did a contest, usually it was in modeling and then another rendering contest taking the winner's model and so on.
I remember in particular a competition on a trailer and another on a power strip for example.
For the "gifts" it could be a simple T-shirt with 3D navigation wheels or the simple pleasure of participating.
In any case, I think that's what brought the community together and I hope it will be the same here:)
In metal printer, an alternative technology to SLS printing (laser + powder) protection to put on, confinement and powder management not simple, it's the following concept, I don't know if you know:
DESKTOP METAL 's new technologies eliminate the constraints of metal 3D printing to produce parts with a reduced cost per part while guaranteeing safety of use even for offices.
I attended demonstrations at the Lyon show last year, the time to get the final piece can be very, very long......... and design constraints on the thicknesses to be respected and a proprietary product (the sticks).
Yes I'm back from vacation indeed I'm rare at the moment but here really a lot of work we overflow full of full. But even if I didn't participate much I'm never far away lol. otherwise how are you? I had news of Clémentine who left on a new adventure.