Little holes, little holes, always little holes


How are you ?

I have a little question for you, here I have made a hopper now I have to make a list of bolts. Today I count the holes (oblong 12x24) but is there a trick  to avoid me counting, it's long.

May the force be with you

And happy holidays




In your feature manager tree you can filter the name of your function that you used to make oblongs but you will still have to count manually, for my part I am drying...

Or it's not possible unfortunately...


not hit me ;-(

via density 

one piece with hole one without

and calculation of the mass of a hole

The dif divided by the mass of a hole will give you the number of holes 

well ok I'm going out very very quickly ;-)

@+.. ;-) ....; -) .....; -)


If they are first-class holes, they must have been made with a repeat function, right?

If this is the case, I would take the tremis, put it in an assembly, I pace a screw and I do a repetition driven by a repetition and the nomenclature will give the number of holes!!





system D, intersection of a cube and the hopper will give you the number of bodies corresponding to the number of holes



in my vague memory there was something in the DimXpert rating that said the number of holes or oblongs when you do a MEP after you just have to add.

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The question is actually how you made your holes: assistant function for drilling (+ possibly repeat) or removal of material by extrusion?

In the first case, in drawing, there is in the annotations "symbol for drilling" which gives the number of holes of a drilling/repeating function.




Thank you for your answers but I see that there is no simple solution for me.

@stefbeno I have 12x24 oblongs made with a subtraction. Is it possible to make oblongs with the piercing assistant?

@gt22 the time I remove the oblongs I weigh the piece etc......... I think it's better that I count. But hey, you can stay  :)

@vspemens you gave me a beginning of a lead interested.

Let me explain, I have a sw pro version so I have the simplify tool with filters including the drilling filter. The problem is that it counts functions and not repetitions

May the force be with you.


It depends on the vintage of your version: the oblongs in the wizard appeared on SW14.



So I have the beginning of an answer that is not great but it allows you to quickly count the number of screws for a hopper.

How do I do it??????

since my assembly, I make a 3D sketch and I place a stitch  near a hole to receive a screw, I click, I click.

Then I place a screw and I do a repetition driven by a sketch then  tool=> evaluate=>visualization of the assembly and there I see the number of screws present in the assembly.

Who could be simpler?

May the Force be with you



If your part is made in sheet metal you can take out the number of cut-outs example


This is the method I used previously and you divide the number of cuts by two to get the number of screws


Can you tell me where you find the painting linked to the property


may the force be with you.


This painting, you put it in the drawing.


Edit: and in the list of welded parts as well.


Sorry indeed I was too fast you can find it when you add a note in a drawing you include a property of the part look at the zip I provided with the part and the drawing


EDIT: be careful divide the number of cuts by two to have the number of screws only work on rectangular or square sheet metal^^


Thanks  for the info.

but if I understood correctly it's valid for one part? So if I have 100 sheets of metal do I have to do this 100 times?

too long

May the force be with you.

edit:@mad  yes it's okay I found the board, I use it from time to time but here I admit I was in the middle of a slap.


Do you make the detail plan of each sheet metal? So just a note to copy and paste on each plan


Or a formula to put in a nomenclature of your assembly


Edit makhhourly I can't get the "CUTS" property in a part bill of materials because there was a

Column A Sheet Metal Qty

COlonne B Cutting Qty

Column C Screw Qty = Column A * Column B / 2



So I found a solution that is not great but that works. So since my assembly I open a 3d sketch and then I place stitches where I want to place a screw, in other words I click like crazy !!!!! Then I do a repetition driven by a sketch of a screw then  tools>option>evaluate>visualization assembly and there I see the quantity of screws.

If anyone has better....

May the force be with you...