Describing Toolbox Components in a BOM

Hi all

I want to make the description of the toolbox components appear in the nomenclature of an assembly and for this, I have filled in (for CHC screws ISO4762 only so far) a description for each of the configurations of this type of screw (via the export of the data to an excel file, then the import of this same excel file after modification). I also set the toolbox display options (part 3 - user settings) to set the "Description" as a description in the name.

And nothing. Here is exactly what I can display in the columns of my names:

- Property type Part number

- Toolbox property type: Specification

- Toolbox property type: Standard

Nothing with the toolbox property type: part name.

In the component file, there are no properties, either general or configuration-specific, that are populated.

And I really have the impression that the user parameters entered in the toolbox configuration window are not taken into account.

I have made a request for support, but I have not received a satisfactory response at this time.

Would anyone be able to help me?

Thank you in advance.

I have partially solved my problem:

The data provided for the description for each configuration is taken into account, but the update is not done on the components already inserted in an assembly. It is necessary to delete them, and to reinsert them.

On the other hand, for the part number, whatever the settings made in the toolbox display options, nothing changes.



Isn't it possible to add the description column if I understand correctly?

Does the description property appear in the properties in the 3D file?

If we delete the nomenclature and reinsert it (instead of removing the components), it doesn't update?

A solution that works:



I did the test, the removal of the nomenclature and then its reinsertion is not enough, you have to do this manip on the toolbox component in the assembly.

Concerning the link in English, one of the proposed solutions is to modify the display properties in the nomenclature of the configuration and to choose what you want to display. This solution doesn't work because the toolbox component is read-only and therefore doesn't keep the change.


I had already had this pb. On the other hand, you don't have to delete your component. But you have to add one (and then delete) in the assembly to have the fields updated.

