Disorientation of a straightening

Attached with stripes.


To get a better result, I did as described above, then... I blew up the guide curve. As a result, my guide points are perfectly on the RIGHT plane !


PS: on versions prior to 2013, I remember that the guide bridges were easily hooked on the sections and there is no way! Regression or incorrectly ticked option?


for my by no convincing differences in the visual in our 2 copies of zebras

I simply pull a longer axis sketches 12

change your view and

Aligned the dots

I posted the piece in 2012 look if you want it and tell me what

@+ ;-)

Thank you

I'll look to work tomorrow.

Unfortunately, we only have the 2012 version, Group Policy.

It's true that I had improved the position of the dots between my first request and the SW file transmitted. 

I'm going to try to put a point on each sketch on the axis and see if I can constrain it.

I find it very laborious to have to do this kind of manipulation.

For a more complex piece with 50 sketches, hello work.

Tomorrow the answer.

<p>Hello,</p><p>Lynkoa grazes when I want to load an image file since yesterday, despite x tries.</p><p>J' I followed the advice, put a point on each sketch and created a sketch in the plane on the right, drew a spline through the points to serve as a guide curve.</p><p>Result, when I want to do the smoothing, a cone is made from the first sketch and s' stops at the second sketch, because c' is the center point and not around the perimeter of the l' ellipse that is taken!</p>

Wow, the frequency is scrambled...


There, an image would be essential to understand what is happening! Try from a different web browser. Or by doing a Ccleaner move.

Hi @ m5193


you say I'm on SW2012 too


I posted the file on a previous message

17 March, 2014 - 10:04 | Edit

here is your part in SW 2012

I don't see anything bad via the welts and curvatures?????


@+ ;-)




- Open it and tell me what's wrong?

@+ ;-)

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What is wrong appears on the image of the question: we can see 2 arcs of parasitic circles at half thickness, angularly offset (not to the vertical plane of symmetry) and the elliptical part shows a tangency on one side and an inward angle on the other.


Do you have the same thing when you do a drawing with your modified model?

@ benoit

Can you post an image?

I didn't do any drawing, I'll see?

@+ ;-)

@rn5193, have you solved your problem?

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Linkoa only allows you to select 1 contributor. Too bad. I selected gt22, but Lyncoa tells me A best answer has already been selected for this question! Really.

I tinkered and the result is enough for me.

Thank you all