Missing drawing?

Hello and Happy New Year to all

On Soliworks 11, while working on an assembly, the drawing disappeared from the screen and could not be found

Impossible, not quite, thanks to the  feature manager (summary list of actions on the left of the screen) by clicking on the general plans and looking for a while, I managed to find  it, but as soon as I zoom in (or zoom everything) it disappears again

A piece must have gone miles away, making the scale of the drawing so small that it is invisible on the screen

HELP, how to do it, there must be a simple way by freezing subset by subset from the feature manager

Can I be guided on this subject? At the moment I'm really trapped.

Thanks in advance





   You have to look for the parts in  Feature Manager

Click on each piece and you will find the part that went who knows where



2011 is a long way off!

When the same thing happens to me in 2016, I use the "move with the trihedron" function but I don't know if it's available on your version.

I put myself perpendicular to a plane

I select a fixed part and choose the "Unmove with the trihedron" function. It allows me to know where my assembly is.

I successively select the free assemblies, and check that the new trihedron is close to that of the fixed assembly.

When I have found the assembly that  is causing problems, I bring it closer.

You have to do it several times to get as close as possible and do it according to each shot.

It's tedious, but it's the best thing I found...


Look in the featur manager to see which part is not totally constrained or make selections by zone on your screen and there you will see in the featur manager if you catch the assembly or the part that screwed up...


Wouldn't you have enabled perspective view?



Thank you, problem apparently solved

It was indeed a piece that had gone for a ride very far away... Laughing out loud

The method is to zoom in all fronts and then by tops and side planes

and we automatically find on one of the planes the whole thing that has disappeared,

Thank you all, you had all answered well, I did amstramgram for the right answer



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No miracle method:
- either remove all the components and then remove them one by one until you find the one that is causing the problem;
- either look in those that are not completely constrained (all unnecessary rotations must have been blocked);
- or look in the distance constraints the one that has a value with a few zeros too many.

The question had already been dealt with.

The most obvious walkthrough had been that of Master J.M. SAVOYAT


So it's AssemblyXpert that you should use for more efficiency


exact @ alain ERP +1 000

completely forgotten this function

Thanks for the reminder

@+ ;-)