Determining a parting line on a complex part


I am receiving more and more 3D of complex parts without a parting line.

I'm looking for a quick way to find the position of the parting line at any point, in Solidworks 2015.

I therefore want to make a parting line of a certain thickness (about 3mm) all around the part, with "generators" parallel to the demolding axis.

Having problems with the part received, I made a test by connecting 2 segments (each in 1 plane) representing 2 joint lines, by a spline in a 3D sketch. From there, I manage to create a scan, which functionally is not admissible. I then manage to create a filled seuface, and thicken it. That's kind of what I'd like on my complex piece. Problem: I manage to impose tangencies of the spline on the other 2 elements, I can't position this spline exactly (under constraint).

Thank you for your help.


Attached: the 3D file on which I have to put a broken parting line (several levels), and my test file.


Why don't you use the Offset Surface feature?


Do you use all the functions available in the "molding tools" menu, right click on the order manager menus to add it if you don't have it.

The analysis functions of the joint line of drafts and undercuts can be very useful to you.




The surface of the broken parting line (on several levels) is not parallel to the surfaces that make up the part, I don't see how the offset surface would help me.

I have the "molding tools" tab. I can analyze the draft, the undercuts, which gives me an idea of the location of the parting line, but it's only an indication, I can't do anything with it.

I also have "joint line analysis", but nothing happens.

I also use the separation line, but it takes 1° minimum. But this function is rather to add draft on the dividing line.

I wanted to use the Parting Sheet function, but for that, I need the parting line. And there, I get stuck.

See the Soildworks help: "The Parting Plane PropertyManager" where you can see a diagram of what I want to achieve.

Thank you.



To create the joitn plane with the molding tools you must start by creating the parting line function just before.

What type of mold do you want to make?


Edit: see attached image
