Digging up or malfunctioning

Hello dear colleagues,

From time to time and today three times subjects are unearthed without there being a new requester  (see the three posts that follow this one).

Who would have an explanation???

Kind regards

PS: Coralie, do you have a fine sleuth on hand?


Hello @Zozo_mp ,

I have passed the information on to the technical team, I will keep you informed  as soon as I have feedback on it.

Have a good day:)



thank you @lucile.j    ;-) ..

Maybe because someone has changed their comment, 

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Hello Lynk ;-)

Okay but the modifier would have to have posted previously in the three offending posts.
Another pb if you edit a post, the date you modified it doesn't change. In the post addressed @lucile.j I modified this morning by adding two points and well it doesn't change the date of my post but it puts the subject back at the top of the pile.
A few years ago we were polluted by dozens of simultaneous digs (or a malfunction or a form of hacking, or a bug in the forum software)
So apart from the computer scientists of Lynkoa, if there is a trace of the logging, we, humble servant at the service of our colleagues, we see nothing but queek!

Kind regards


Hello @Zozo_mp 

Mystery solved! In fact, in all three posts, replies had been flagged as abuse and had therefore been removed from the forum. The other day, these three abuses were permanently removed from the platform and that's what brought up the questions related to them:)

Have a nice day


Hello @lucil.j

Bravo!  Only you could find that!

Freud would have called it "the return of the repressed"    ;-) ;-)

Good! Next!

Kind regards

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